Get started

It’s as easy as 123 or ABC

We all know there is not much time given to rehearsing the fundamentals of the visual language - the mark, dot and line. So use these fundamental elements to get started.

Step 1

Start with a blank piece of paper – any paper, any size and any quality.

Step 2

Tap into the tactile - select a variety of mark making tools – pens, crayons, felt tips, pencils and more.

Step 3

Make a line frame around the page – this is your Squigglaspace.

Step 4

Begin with a Startermark. Use one of the Squiggla Startermark Ideas or invent your own.

Step 5

Respond to the mark you just made and start to build a composition of abstract marks on the page. Use as many different shapes, styles, tones, rhythms and sizes as you like. The visual compositions you make become the structures of your own thoughts and imagination.

Squiggla TV

Check out Squiggla TV for the young ones where Beanie has ideas to get started. Learn about mark making techniques as you explore through the eyes, hands and materials. Test new ways of making, trial your materials in different states. Welcome in chance and explore the unknown! Allow your mark making materials to have their own voice.

Grab some visual cues from this video

Hand is part
of the mind

A creative brain is a connected brain

Continue your journey with Squiggla on our Making Space page for free idea generators and guided resources for deeper learning.

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