Making Space

Continue your Squiggla journey

Welcome to our Squiggla Making Space. We have created plenty of stimulus to get you thinking, feeling and making, based on our four themes; Tākarokaro/Play, Mahi/Make, Pohewa/Imagine + Hanga/Invent. Explore the many ways mark making, with all its infinite possibilities, can bring joy and focus. If you are new to Squiggla don’t forget to check out our simple instructions on the Get Started page.

Play performs a significant role in the way human beings develop and learn.
Make Squiggla an everyday practice. Make it special. Make visual music, you are both composer and performer of marks at the same time!
Imagine being open to 'prepared randomness', chance and risk with your mark making experiments.
Invent new ideas, try surprising new ways to create, invent new mark making tools, watch your own inventive thinking emerge.

5 easy steps to 
getting started

It’s as easy as 123 or ABC.

Get started

Tools for inspiration

Try the word generator for a Squiggla Starter Mark or Starter Idea. Chance and randomness can create exciting unexpected results.


Generate Inspiration

Watch this Squiggla video to get inspired to take a chance with marks.

Squiggla is a non-judgemental mark making exercise

It is designed to get you thinking and sensing about the world in new and different ways. There are no rights or wrongs with Squiggla, only the discovery of curious possibilities. It won’t be long before your imagination is running wild and your creativity is flowing freely.

Relax into

creative flow

Guided exercises for deeper learning

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