31 Aug 2023< Back

ANZAAE Conference  4 - 6 July 2023

The Squiggla team presented a conference paper and Making Space at The Aotearoa New Zealand Association of Art Educators conference in Wellington, New Zealand. “This is just what we need,” many teachers said.

With more than 200 visual arts educators attending, Squiggla Team member Megan Shaw delivered a dynamic Squiggla presentation that introduced key concepts and ways that Squiggla can be used in schools across a range of subject areas, in public art galleries and in families. She also spoke to Squiggla’s four key themes – Tākarokaro/Play, Mahi/Make, Pohewa/Imagine and Hanga/Invent. Links were also made connecting Squiggla to the new Aotearoa New Zealand Visual Arts Curriculum.

The response was resoundingly positive, with over 110 educators heading to the Making Space to sign up and join the online Squiggla Community. The Squiggla Making Space was generously sponsored by National Art Supplies and was packed throughout the conference with joyful makers.

Key to the presentation was the comprehensive exploration of ways educators could build Squiggla into an everyday exercise with their students and participants.

“This is a godsend,” said one teacher. Following the conference, Squiggla sent 10 complimentary Squiggla Session Guides to those attendees who are keen to include Squiggla in their programmes. These education resources are now available in our Making Space resources section.

“There was such a positive, vibrant atmosphere throughout the conference, and it was so nice to connect with so many passionate educators,”

reports Squiggla Team Member, Clare Brunner, 2023

Watch presentation
