31 Aug 2023< Back

ArtLab presents Squiggla, 15 Apr — 12 Jun 2022

Produced with the Chartwell Trust, Art Lab presents Squiggla was the first iteration of ArtLab, an interactive making space in the Creative Learning Centre at Auckland Art Gallery Toi o Tāmaki. Squiggla works well in public art gallery spaces as it encourages people of all ages to explore their creativity through various activities.

Developed by the Chartwell Trust in 2007, Squiggla encourages imaginative exploration, visual discovery and the development of creative thinking skills through inventive and intentional mark making. Throughout its eight-week duration, visitors were invited to explore abstract mark making using a variety of tools at the making tables, investigate scale on overhead projectors and develop new ways of looking at artworks in the Gallery. 

Visitors were invited to stick their Squigglawork up on the wall. Throughout the course of the exhibition the walls became covered with people’s creations, adding colour and texture to the space. Families really enjoyed seeing their Squigglaworks on the walls of the Gallery and feeling that they were contributing to the growth of the space. 

The Squiggla Trail was a popular aspect of the project which encouraged families to explore the artworks on display throughout the Gallery to find Squigglamarks that could further inspire their creativity.

Fri 15 Apr 2022 — Sun 12 Jun 2022
Creative Learning Centre, Auckland Art Gallery Toi o Tāmaki 
