1 Sep 2023< Back

Squiggla for families

Squiggla is great for families to share in the creative joy of mark making. Turn it into a game, a family challenge or share with your wider whānau using the Squiggla Online Galleries. Sign up here.

Share together

Just as whānau/families share soccer practice, kapa haka or dance sessions, Squiggla can also be shared together. Thinking creatively is a skill that benefits us all in whatever direction our lives take so we encourage ākonga /learners to keep the creative flow going at home with whānau/family members.

Suggested content

Squiggla Sessions

Squiggla Session Guide kete/kits are designed to give kaiako/teachers the tools they need for a creative classroom.

Why is creative thinking important for everyone

Creativity isn’t something that only a few people need or have. It’s in all of us.

Squiggla Philosophy

We’re advocates for making and understanding art as a process with intention and fulfilment.
