Recent neurological research challenges commonly held notions of divided left and right brains, and instead reveals that a creative brain is actually one that has a lot of connections between the left brain hemisphere and the right brain hemisphere. Through the simple activity of mark making and regular practice, Squiggla helps to strengthen and build new patterns of connections.
Mark making combines composing and performing as recorded, almost simultaneous events so the maker is both maker and first viewer of the work made. They are in a similar position to the conductor of an orchestra where, through gestural direction, the work is rendered. It is like a conversational relationship between medium and mark - with the marked object and the used tool both contributing means and meanings to the creation of the mark itself.
Mark making directly exercises the imagination. It's use is the essence of ideation. Recognising and valuing imagining skills energises drawing practice and expands creative thinking potential. The intuitive engages the resources of the imagination in mark making. This can then trigger other processes to operate - for example meanings can later become attached to the marks. The imagination never sleeps. It operates in subconscious, conscious and dream states and willingly operates with reason when awake. Repetitive drawing practice, such as we encourage with Squiggla, can be used as a means of activating the energies of the imagination. “ This deepens the potential for production of original ideas in all domains… Creativity precedes innovation,” Rob Gardiner writes.
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